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Brew Love North sponsor packages include a variety of benefits including event tickets, your company name/logo on the event website, e-communications and/or signage, social media mentions, event recognition, etc. For more information, contact Jennifer Argeros at or 612-238-8128.
Includes 2 tickets and company name/logo on event website
Includes 6 tickets, company name/logo on event website, and signage at event
Includes 10 tickets, eblasts and social media mentions, and company name/logo on website and signage at sponsored area
Includes 25 tickets, eblasts and social media posts, company name/logo on website and select signage, and verbal recognition during the event
Includes 50 tickets, eblasts and social media posts, company name/logo on select signage and prominent on website, and verbal recognition twice during the event
Includes 60 event tickets, a custom video during event, logo most prominently featured on welcome banner and all event signage, website, eblasts, and social media posts, logo featured on tasting glass and brewery signs, and verbal recognition multiple times during the event